Sponsoring this initiative is an excellent way to show your organization supports the community that want to actively improve their environment through Public Transportation, Open Data, sharing and the use of Free Technologies. And in one part of the world, where it's most needed and has a real impact.
Until recently, there has been no map for the 45 bus lines in Metropolitan Managua. It's one of the poorest capitals on the American continent. And about 80% of the 2 million inhabitants are dependent on buses to commute to work or school. We wanted to improve life in our city! The community around OpenStreetMap Nicaragua voluntarily surveyed the public transportation network.
In order to have a real impact for the population we need to print this map and distribute it freely. And therefore we need your help!
Please contact us for more details.
We are happy to honour a sponsorship with the institution's logo on the visible places and products.